
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Obama supporter

I am also I life long democrat an I would like to have you join me in reelecting Barack Obama for president  in 2012. I know a lot of you are worried about your jobs and the economy but I assure that Obama has done every thing he possibly can to help this situation. It is completely in the hands of the Republican House led by John Boehner. He has made it his life mission to get rid of Obama so Republicans can have MORE tax cuts for the rich and so they can finally get rid of Planed Parenthood, The Affordable Care Act, Abortions, The Environmental Protection Agency, The Department of Education (they want a for profit system instead of public schools) , The Food Stamp Program (which helps feed children and adults most of whom work for minimum wage jobs) . They have already out spent Obama 3 to 1 and I for one would like to know just what they are buying. A really bad candidate is my guess. Romney won't talk about his time as Bishop of the Mormon Church, he won't or can't talk about Bain. He can't even get it straight when he left Bain, He won't or can't show us his tax returns (he only released one year ) which show tax havens in Bermuda, The Cayman Islands, and Swiss Bank Accounts. Mitt is WORSE than Sarah Palin and I didn't think that was possible. He also cant talk about his time as governor of Massachusetts because he is the one who passed Romneycare and the state fell to 47th out of 50 in job creation. Just what does Mitt think makes him eligible to be President? That answer comes from Ann Romney. "It's Mitts turn." Mitts turn? I had no idea that that is how it worked.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I live in a small town. Crescent City California. There are no PFLAG support groups within 85 mils of here. It only takes 3 or more people, gay or straight to create a chapter and begin working on gay issues both locally and nationally. Won't you please join me in this important fight.  Email  me at or respond to this post if you are interested. I will ALWAYS get back to you.
I am a Mother. I am a Grandmother. I am a gay activist an a PFLAG member. My mission in life is to make people understand that gay or straight, God made us all and he didn't make mistakes. I also hope to connect with young people who are being bullied for whatever reason. You are not alone. There is GREAT value in your experiences. I hope with my PFLAG membership to help other families who may be having problems accepting their loved ones for exactly who they are. I hope to go into schools and help young people learn to respect themselves and others through education.

Getting Started

My name is Donna Jochimsen. I am 54 years old. I am the proud mother of a wonderful gay man and 3 beautiful daughters. I also have 3 adorable granddaughters. My goal in life is to make sexual preference something that we don't even consider anymore. All life styles are equal and no one asks me if I am straight. I joined PFLAG as a way of educating family and friends about gay issues. I also feel very strongly about bullying and hope to go into schools as a PFLAG  member and discuss the problems with bullying  and what we can do as a community to teach acceptance and respect for ourselves and others.